Mommy the Introvert

I’m an introvert. It’s no big secret to anyone in my life. But, when I type it out here, it seems a bit confessional.

I have always relished my alone time. This probably stems from being an only child. Playing on my own led me to become pensive and introspective. Which, in later years, turned in to teen angst and a constant need for privacy.

I did make friends easily while growing up and I always enjoyed spending time with them. I find this to be much more difficult the older I get. Plus, let’s face it – I work a 9-5 job and just don’t have that kind of time on my hands any more. My nights and weekends are reserved for precious family time.

I’m sure if I was naturally more social, I would make it work. I just don’t have that desire any more. On top of being introverted, I also suffer from social anxiety in certain situations. I’m sure many of you can relate!

Having a child who just started school opened the floodgates for my social anxiety. When I take her to school events, I’m not sure how to make small talk with the PTO moms or other parents. The struggle is real.

What I struggle with the most, though, is the worry that my daughter will notice my awkwardness. I don’t want it to rub off on her. She’s already a naturally quiet and observant child. The good thing is, I already see signs that she is going to be more self-assured and assertive than I ever was. I am thankful for this every day.

So to all my socially anxious and/or introverted peeps out there: it is OK. You are not alone. There are millions of us canceling plans and not answering the phone as you read this post. Just know that there is nothing wrong with being who you are. Embrace it and love yourself no matter what.

Sending good vibes,

If you’re interested, here are a few amazing self-help books related to anxiety:

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