Tips for Dealing with Holiday Stress

We all know the work-mom life is stressful under normal circumstances, but with Christmas just a week away most of us are feeling totally overwhelmed. It’s normal. BUT, it’s sad when we get so busy that we don’t stop for a second to relax and enjoy the season and the time with our families. So, here are a few tips to help you make it through:

  • Accept the fact that everything is not going to be perfect. The treats you made for your child’s class aren’t Pinterest worthy and that’s OK.  Kids are going to love them anyway.  Your Christmas tree has a bald spot and the topper won’t stay on.  There’s a good chance you’re the only one who notices, so don’t sweat it.
  • Set aside time to be with your kids each day.  I mean quality time.  This is easier said than done, especially for working moms like me.  By the time my husband and I get home from work, make dinner, clean up, and give my daughter a bath, it’s her bedtime.  But, we try to spend at least 20 minutes each evening playing a game, reading, or drawing.  It’s a nice way to unwind after a long day and it keeps us in touch with our daughter.
  • Here’s the tough one:  Set aside time to be with yourself each day.  After the kids are in bed, the dishes are done, etc., take a break for you.  Whether it be taking a hot bath (my fav!), watching some Netflix, or listening to music, you need this time to decompress and not worry about a thing. Remember, you can’t be on top of the mom and/or work game if you don’t take care of YOU!

I hope these tips help you around the holidays and all year!