30 Lessons I’ve Learned in My Thirties

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I’m not totally through my 30’s yet, but I feel like I’ve learned so much about myself over the past 8 years that I wanted to share!

My twenties were a decade of self-discovery and I truly believe my thirties are a decade of self-acceptance and awareness.

Here are 30 things I’ve learned in my 30’s (so far!):

  1. Get over the drama – it’s not worth your time or energy.
  2. Cherish your relationship with your parents – remember that they love you and have done the best they can for you.
  3. Love your body no matter the shape or size – you were blessed with it and should embrace it.
  4. It’s OK to not be okay all the time – accept that not always being in a good mood is normal and no one expects you to be Susie Sunshine 24/7.
  5. You can’t please everyone – so don’t even waste your time trying.
  6. Don’t let anyone make you feel that you are not the best parent you can be.
  7. Be happy with who you are, both inside and out.
  8. If you are passionate about something, pursue it.
  9. Cherish and be grateful for the small, special moments each day.
  10. Treat yourself every once in a while – you deserve it!
  11. You are the only one who can determine what’s right for you.
  12. Be kind to everyone because we are all going through struggles.
  13. Put down your phone at home – social media can be toxic and affect your relationships.
  14. Choose your battles wisely – not all are worth fighting.
  15. Ask for what you want and deserve – both in your personal and professional life.
  16. It’s OK not to be the life of the party.
  17. Love your kids unconditionally.
  18. Be best friends with your significant other.
  19. Never take yourself (or life) too seriously.
  20. Smile at strangers – it could make their whole day.
  21. Having less material things can be so much better than having more.
  22. Speak up for what you believe in, but also know when to stay quiet.
  23. Losing a pet can be just as difficult as losing a person.
  24. Don’t be afraid to cry – it helps you cope and heal.
  25. When you become a parent, life is not all about you anymore – this can be a difficult adjustment.
  26. Tell your friends you love them.
  27. Money can make you happy, but not if you’re not doing what you love to make that money.
  28. Behave in a manner you’re proud of – and that your children can learn from.
  29. Eat the cake (or cheeseburger) or whatever unhealthy food you’re craving once in a while – life is too short. YOLO!
  30. A healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body.

Here’s to growing older and wiser,


5 thoughts on “30 Lessons I’ve Learned in My Thirties”

  1. I’m still in the beginning stages of my thirty journey but I am already discovering how important these all are. This is a great list and I am still figuring out all of them.

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