Spring Cleaning Tips for the Busy Girl

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I love Spring as much as the next person – especially where I live since this past Winter has been brutal. Bring on the fresh air, birds chirping, and flowers blooming.

The one thing I don’t like so much about Spring is all the clean-up involved. It’s time to finally open your windows and let the air in, but your window wells are filled with all kinds of grossness that accumulated over the Winter. Ugh.

Your closets are overstuffed with bulky garments that are just taking up space – puffer coats and sweaters that you may not have even worn this past season anyway. Guilty as charged.

Spring is a time for new beginnings. And girl, it’s time to clean, organize, and de-clutter your home. I know you’re always busy with day-to-day responsibilities, but if you do these few simple tasks this Spring you will be feeling pretty good about yourself and your refreshed space!

Vacuum and Flip the Mattresses

Icky dust mites and skin cells collect in our mattresses over time, so it’s always a good idea to go over it with a vacuum. Before vacuuming, you can also sprinkle baking soda on the mattress just to freshen it up and help eliminate any odors. This tip also works well if you have a young child that has soiled the bed in the past.

Take this time to flip the mattresses as well since they tend to lose shape over the years. It will feel like you bought a new one!

Top Cleaning Supplies

Clean the windows

I know I don’t clean my windows as often as I should, but I definitely do it as part of Spring cleaning. I love to use Method Glass Cleaner Mint Spray 828ml

The scent is amazing! it just makes the whole house smell so clean and fresh. Not to mention, it really does leave a streak-free shine without the harsh chemicals found in other glass cleaners.

To wipe out window wells, I like to fill a bucket with hot, soapy water (I use Dawn dish soap) and use a re-usable cloth. Now you can proudly leave those windows wide open!

Wash the curtains

If you’re going to the trouble of cleaning everything else on the windows, you can’t neglect the curtains. I notice that my kitchen curtains tend to be the worst – they become discolored from all the cooking that has been going on.

Throw them in the washing machine on gentle, and if you’re able, hang them outside to dry. Yay! Now you have fresh and clean windows throughout the house!

Shampoo the carpets

If you have carpeted floors or area rugs, it’s a good idea to give them a nice deep cleaning a few times a year. Spring is a perfect time to get rid of all the grime that was tracked in over the Winter, including residue from salt and cinders. If you have a pet, you may need to shampoo the carpets more often.

I use and highly recommend the Bissell brand of carpet cleaners. We originally bought ours for pet messes. It is easy to use and you can quickly clean an entire carpet. Since it sucks the dirty water back into the machine, dry time is fairly minimal as well.

Here are a few amazing and affordable options:

BISSELL Turboclean Powerbrush Pet Upright Carpet Cleaner Machine and Carpet Shampooer, 2085

BISSELL PowerLifter PowerBrush Upright Carpet Cleaner and Shampooer, 1622

BISSELL Proheat Essential Carpet Cleaner and Carpet Shampooer, 1887

De-clutter closets

If you have any closets that are brimming with stuff and just becoming unmanageable, now is the time to address it. This can be a daunting task, so make it a goal to do one or two closets per day.

Take some time to really go through every single item and make four piles – keep, donate, sell, and throw away.

Also take this time to actually clean and organize the closets. Vacuum the closet floors and wipe the dust off of shelving and racks.

I like to organize my clothing either by color or by type. Choose a method that works best for you and go with it.

Must-Have Supplies for Spring Cleaning

Of course, there are more things you can do to deep clean and get your house Spring-ready. I just feel that the 5 items on my list are chores that may be neglected over the winter.

So, grab your supplies and get to it! When you’re done, sit back, prop up your feet, and breathe in that fresh air. Ahhhhh!

Happy Spring!

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