Christmas Traditions 🌲

Happy Holidays, all!  I can’t believe Christmas is only 4 days away.  I don’t know about you, but it really snuck up on me this year.  This is the first year with my daughter in school, so we have a ton going on.

In the spirit of the season, I thought I’d share a few of our family traditions with you.  A few weeks before Christmas, my daughter and I bake cookies with my parents.  Then, of course, they are all gone before Christmas day.  We have also started the tradition of baking with my mother-in-law.  She is the baker in the family and can’t wait until my daughter is a little older to share all of her cookie recipes with her.  What’s your favorite Christmas cookie?  We love the Hershey Kiss peanut butter cookies and chocolate chip.

We also decorate a gingerbread house each year.  My MIL is on board for this festivity too because I’m an absolute mess with the royal icing.  She was a cake decorator for many years, so she knows how to pipe the icing on the house like a pro.  Mine is all over the place.  I hope some of you can relate!  My daughter then arranges the various candies however she likes and the masterpiece is done.

Every year, my dad’s side of the family gets together for a Christmas party at a local restaurant.  Sadly, even though most of us are local, this is the one time each year that we see each other.  It’s fun.  We eat, drink, and be merry while the kids run around.  I appreciate having a large family and getting to catch up and spend some time together.

Wishing you and yours a fabulous holiday season!  Comment below to share some of your holiday traditions.



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